A Case of the Mondays...

Just random postings about the stuff I do to distract myself from the fact that Monday will always be around the corner

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bastrop State Park

I put my pics up on Tabblo this time. It's just easier for me to organize the pics there then on my blog here.

Still learning so much about photography. And CSS. The cool thing is this new interest of mine is maing me check out all these places I've never been to before. And also make me aware of all these great places all around me that I never fully appreciated.

Tabblo: Bastrop State Park

It turned out to be pretty dry at Bastrop State park. But the sky was gorgeous, almost looked like a painting. Got a chance to test out some macro zoomin shots.
... See my Tabblo

Austin in the evening

I've been over the whole sixth street scene in Austin for a while now. It tends to get really boring really fast unless you like dancing or drinking. I don't drink and don't dance unless I'm drunk.

But there is an awesome place on 6th next to I-35 called Habana. It's a Cuban place, good food and music. I usually end up hanging out there with freinds when the weather is good.

The pic below is right next to Habana. You can't actaully tell, but to the left of this location, I-35 starts and everything from there on just starts looking really ghetto.

Got this one while walking towards the capitol on Congress. We were passing under the lights of the paramount. I added some special effects ofcourse. I try not do that too much (besides correcting over exposure), but this somehow seemed appropriate. The paramount is one of the oldest theaters around here and the lighting seemed to work out well with B&W.