A Case of the Mondays...

Just random postings about the stuff I do to distract myself from the fact that Monday will always be around the corner

Monday, July 03, 2006

Stacy Pool hike

I had to go in to work today for a bit. But afer that, I decided to skip lunch and went to check out Stacy Pool.

Bad idea...
Not the stacy pool thing, but the whole skipping lunch deal. Started feeling like crap after walking around for a couple of hours around the area.

I really just wanted to find this little watering hole I had come across the last time I had been there. It was off the side of the road, you had to climb down a bunch of rocks and stuff to get into the area. I did find it, but didn't bother going down there for the reason below.

I felt a little overdressed as I walked around the place with my ipod and cell phone clipped to my belt and my umbrella (forecast for rain today) and camera in the other. Everyone else was jogging around in a shirt and shorts. I have never really been a fan of shorts. Only wore them in the gym or if I'm out running. Havn't done either of those in a while.

You can't actaully tell in the pic above, but the water is coming from a drain pipe. I just convieniently left it out of the pic :)

It was a beautiful day to be outside. Unfortunately, my hunger got the better of me.And when yer insides are gnawing at you like that, all the natural beauty in the world will just seem like something that is slowing down your progress towards the car.

That and I saw a freakin huge ugly-ass-hairy spider. The only way I was going to take a picture of that thing was if I had a telephoto lens...Man that thing was nasty..

Did catch some other shots on the way back

That's all I have for today.


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